Foods You Can & Cannot Eat While Wearing Braces

Foods You Can & Cannot Eat While Wearing Braces

Braces have become much more comfortable and studier over recent years, nonetheless there are still foods you shouldn't eat while you have braces. Today, our Vancouver orthodontists share which foods you can and cannot eat while wearing braces.

While you are undergoing orthodontic treatment with traditional metal braces, it’s important to understand which foods could increase your risk for cavities or damage your braces.

Foods You Should Not Eat

While you are undergoing orthodontic treatment with braces you will need to avoid eating any foods that are sticky, hard or chewy. 

Foods falling into these categories can easily damage your brackets and wires, possibly leading to treatment delays.

Some examples of sticky, hard or chewy foods to avoid during treatment include: jelly beans, bagels, corn chips, nuts, hard candy and pop corn. 

To help maintain good oral health while you have braces, we also recommend that you avoid sugary, starchy foods to help prevent tooth decay and gum disease caused by plaque.  

Foods You Can Eat

Soft foods are less likely to cause damage and tend to be gentler on braces.

Some examples of soft foods you can enjoy while straightening your smile with braces include: soft cooked vegetables, cheeses, pasta, yogurt, soft fruits (bananas, grapes, etc.), and mashed potatoes.

Food to Eat Cautiously

When you have braces, it's important to avoid biting into hard foods with your front teeth. Enjoy the following foods by taking the time to cut them into small bite-sized pieces: corn on the cob (removed from the cob), raw vegetables, hard bread, and fresh fruits such as apples. 

Why do I need to be careful about what I eat?

Damaging your braces' wires or brackets could slow down your orthodontic treatment. Being careful about your food choices can help you keep your smile healthy and your orthodontic treatment on-track.

If you'd like to learn more about orthodontic treatment with braces, contact our Vancouver orthodontists today. 

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